ZIRCOO Increased Efficiency For A Construction Machinery Corporation

Zircoo Boosts Construction Machinery Corporation's Efficiency

ZIRCOO Increased Efficiency For A Construction Machinery Corporation


The customer is a leading construction machinery corporation specializing in the production and distribution of construction equipment.


The customer faced challenges with fragmented data storage across multiple geographical locations, hindering efficient access and utilization of vital information by employees.


To tackle these challenges, our team implemented an integrated SAP solution tailored for Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). We enhanced this system with seamless Computer-Aided Design (CAD) integration and an Engineering Control Center, augmenting efficiency and refining the product lifecycle management workflow.

Key Components:

  1. SAP Product Lifecycle Management (SAP PLM): Implemented to centralize and streamline product data management across the organization.

  2. Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Integration: Seamlessly integrated CAD functionalities into the PLM system, facilitating collaborative design processes and enhancing efficiency.

  3. Engineering Control Center: Introduced to provide centralized control and oversight over engineering processes, ensuring alignment with organizational objectives and standards.

Project Challenge

Our customer faced a significant business challenge centered around organizing product data across various vendors. While utilizing a digital solution for their computer-aided design (CAD) system, they encountered limitations in achieving their objectives solely through the solution’s offerings.

Critical data concerning product distribution across global locations were siloed, creating barriers to cross-location data visibility and collaboration. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive solution, they sought Zircoo’s expertise to effectively manage their data within an SAP environment, aiming to overcome this pivotal obstacle.

Project Scope

Our team delivered an extensive SAP solution tailored for product lifecycle management to the customer. In addition to this, we integrated a computer-aided design system and established an engineering control center to augment the functionality of the product lifecycle management system. Currently, we are expanding the solution by implementing Visual Enterprise Generator and Integrated Process Solution modules, enhancing data sharing capabilities securely across the organization.

Solution Description

  1. Visual Enterprise Generator: This tool simplifies the secure sharing of computer-aided design data across various locations and with different stakeholders, facilitating seamless collaboration and communication.

  2. Integrated Process Solution (IPS): IPS optimizes business processes by ensuring timely and comprehensive data delivery to all stakeholders involved. From the inception of creating a new component to its installation on the production line, IPS guides and streamlines the entire process, enhancing efficiency and productivity throughout.


With Zircoo’s assistance, the company successfully streamlined their product lifecycle management, particularly addressing document management and overall product lifecycle efficiency.

Zircoo’s interventions led to a significant improvement in the company’s efficiency, yielding a notable increase of 25-35%. The implementation resulted in consolidating information into a single, accessible source, facilitating enhanced collaboration with other facilities and stakeholders. 

Zircoo Increased Efficiency For A Construction Machinery